Description This section of the site includes both working papers and (for now) some other writings I have had published elsewhere.
The structure of the
telecommunications industry after thirteen years of competition. Paper for the CPRF 2010. [DOC] TCP Code Review. Submission to CommsAlliance
July 2010. [PDF] Self-regulation in
telecommunications didn’t fail – it was never really tried. Working Paper May 2010 [PDF] Vale Phil Burgess (26 Sep 2008) [PDF] Why structural separation is in the interests of incumbent telcos and why they don't see it (25 Feb 2008) [PDF] Telco industry like a dysfunctional family (Ex Cathedra column, Exchange newsletter 10 Aug 2007) [PDF] Time to look at the big picture (Ex Cathedra column, Exchange newsletter 5 Oct 2007) [PDF] Time to review the ACCC's role as access regulator (Ex Cathedra column, Exchange newsletter 25 Jan 2008) [PDF] |